Inappropriate tone on this mailing list and requirement for governance

NoOp glgxg at
Sat May 9 03:07:55 UTC 2009

On 05/06/2009 01:14 AM, Oliver Grawert wrote:
> hi,
> The tone used on this mailing list recently got a lot worse and totally
> out of bounds with the requirement to respect the Ubuntu Code of Conduct
> [1] for posts to this list.

Can this, and other related threads *please* be moved to Sounder or some
other appropriate list/forum?

While I think the discussion worthwile, and it is relevant to the list
overall, the traffic for these threads are seriously clogging up this list.

"Ubuntu user technical support,
	not for general discussions" <ubuntu-users at>

I view/reply to the list via nntp ( so I can easily use 'k' to
kill the thread(s) to ignore it/them. But I reckon that many others
subscribe via email directly (some with slow metered dial-up
connections) and can only imagine having to download this, and the other
spawned threads regarding this subject.

Leave a thread subject/tag here pointing to the new location/list if
you'd like, but *please* take it elsewhere & let this list get back to
"Ubuntu user technical support".

Every mailing list deals with a specific subject matter (a topic). To
keep mailing lists efficient, it is important to limit discussion to
that topic so that the mailing list remains productive. When writing to
mailing lists, it is important to bear in mind that your email may be
sent to hundreds of people, who have signed up to the mailing list for a
specific reason, or interest. Avoid subjects which are not relevant to
the individual mailing list, and each time you write an email, consider
its relevance for the mailing list in question. A good rule of thumb is
that each email should contribute positively to a relevant discussion.

Specific examples:

* The ubuntu-users mailing list should be used for technical support.
* The ubuntu-devel mailing list should be used for discussion of the
development of Ubuntu.
* The sounder mailing list should be used for discussion of subjects of
general interest related to Ubuntu, linux, open source or software in


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