Cannot install OOo 3.1 from openoffice-pkgs

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Fri May 8 20:12:14 UTC 2009

anthony baldwin wrote:
> Mark Haney wrote:
>> Sorta offtopic, but KDE4 is the best desktop gui out there.  4.2.2 is
>> rock solid, has a great feature set and is really fast even on older
>> hardware.  GNOME is crap.  They have lost all desire for addressing the
>> user interface for the users.  I consider newer GNOME versions as
>> experimental versions.
> bah...either fluxbox or openbox is the best desktop gui.
> KDE4 is a bloated mess of nauseating eyecandy.
> /tony
    Your all blowing smoke. I use Gnome because it is what the LiveCD 
loads and except for the screwball pictures they put on the Desktop it 
is great :-)


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