Cannot install OOo 3.1 from openoffice-pkgs

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Fri May 8 18:57:07 UTC 2009

> Harsh...

You can google me, I am very patient with most people. I am however
very harsh with some extra ordinary people, usually the exceptionally
smart (because I expect more from them), the exceptionally lazy (shame
as a motivator is often the only motivator for them), and the
exceptionally annoying (to shoo them away from myself). Exercise for
the reader into which category the poster that I had replied to falls.

> I have seen instances where if any portion of a build fails, none of the
> updates are posted to the PPA.  You might have to wait until the entire
> set of packages completes build.

I see, thanks. I will be patient, then, assuming that this is the issue.

Dotan Cohen

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