Cannot install OOo 3.1 from openoffice-pkgs

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at
Fri May 8 18:21:15 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Although the openoffice-pkgs _should_ have 3.1, I do not see it as
> being available for installation when I enable that repo. Could anyone
> shed some light? I do see from the PPA page that the l10n packages did
> not yet build, but I am not using any l10n features in OOo:
> Side note: the launchpad keyserver seems to be down for me. Can anyone
> else get to this page:
> Thanks!
    Hi and a couple of things. I saw the key on the first page you 
referenced. So that might work. I look at OOo the same way I look at a 
new kernel. I ask "what new feature do I gain by getting this?"

    I read the web paper for Jaunty and I see no problem waiting until 
the normal update appears from my upgrade check.


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