Epson FX-850 Dot Matrix Printer Fonts

Hal Burgiss hal at
Thu May 7 22:33:19 UTC 2009

On Thu, May 07, 2009 at 06:03:27PM -0400, Keith Clark wrote:
> I am using an Epson FX-850 dot matrix printer and was wondering if there
> is a way to print using the printers native fonts such as Draft, Roman
> and such.
> When I try to print from say the text editor, everything prints in
> graphics mode and it prints extremely slowly.

a) Have you tried manually setting the printer to what you want.

b) IIRC from DOS days, those printers can be controlled by echoing
Escape sequences directly to them. I've not done it on Linux, but it
surely can be done. (I am not aware of a GUI tool.)


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