Off topic and other offensive posts

Leonard Chatagnier lenc5570 at
Thu May 7 21:04:08 UTC 2009

--- On Thu, 5/7/09, Cybe R. Wizard <cybe_r_wizard at> wrote:

> From: Cybe R. Wizard <cybe_r_wizard at>
> Subject: Re: Off topic and other offensive posts
> To: ubuntu-users at
> Date: Thursday, May 7, 2009, 1:02 PM
> On Thu, 7 May 2009 10:32:24 -0700 (PDT)
> Leonard Chatagnier <lenc5570 at> wrote:
> > IMO, these OT threads would just die off, and should,
> if people would
> > just try hard not to reply to them.  In a lot of
> cases, one says
> > something to steps on another persons nationality,
> country or creed
> > and that person just must reply; good, let him as he
> is entitled to
> > do so, but let it die down as quickly as possible.  We
> don't need all
> > the OT noise in any case and it's not helping the
> list. FWIW, my 2
> > cents.
> IOW, do as you say, not as you do?  May I direct your
> attention to this:
Not at all; my comments resulted from a post that did insult my nationality and president. If you want to make me the bad boy in this, then go ahead, I can't stop you but I certainly didn't keep the thread going and am essentially following my guidlelines. Besides the other person called Karl a moron which I wouldn't do in a first place situation no matter what I thought of him. You seem to be saying that its ok for the OP but not for Leonard and that's what's wrong with the OT issues.
> -----------------
> "That's because you don't know what a real
> Moron is.  Just look into
> the mirror and you'll see one. Many US citizens are
> conservative and
> don't feel France has a very astute political system
> while all of
> Europe is Socialistic politically.  We also think Bush did
> the correct
> thing in fighting Terrorism with not a lot of staying the
> game from
> Europe and the rest of the world. Europe has already
> suffered from
> terrorist attacks because they just let it happen. 
> Conservative
> Americans also know that Obama is leading the nation into
> bankruptcy
> and doing his best to propagate a Socialist nation. I doubt
> he will see
> a second term. With all the fine hair splitting aside,
> America was
> instrumental in winning both WWI and WWII and
> Europe/England weren't
> doing so well until we did. This OT subject should just die
> but as long
> as people talk America down there will be some
> rebuttal." 
> Leonard Chatagnier
> ----------------------

This is my opinion and I don't apologize for it and shouldn't have to. I think most intelligent people in the world studying world history would be mostly in agreement.
I'm sorry if this sounds condescending to the rest of the world's nations but it's just the facts as I know them. I don't think America is a war monger and wouldn't have entered either WWs without good cause. Just because the US does things other nations wont or can't do doesn't make us a war monger.

> Personally, and as an American, I find /that/ attitude
> offensive.
> (for an international list, not so much for me)
> OTOH, what doesn't kill us only makes us stronger and
> the OT posts help
> resolve just exactly /what/ the list /members/ are all
> about and that
> only helps Ubuntuism (humanity toward others) in the long
> run.  I
> certainly understand several of us better now.

You are entitled to your opinion.

Leonard Chatagnier
lenc5570 at

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