network setup

David Curtis dcurtis at
Thu May 7 18:27:06 UTC 2009

On Thu, 7 May 2009 10:50:40 -0700
John Ott <jdottster at> wrote:

> Am running and AMD64, with Ubuntu 9.04, via a Linksys router to a
> time-warner modem. Having problems accessing the web, cant getr past
> the router,any ideas ??
> Regards
> jott

Need a lot more info or your just going to get speculation. Is the router wired or wireless? Are you getting an IP address? DNS servers? Does DHCP work? Do you use PPPoE software? How is the router to modem setup? Did it work previously? What have you changed? etc., etc.

My speculation:

Can you ping IP addresses but not URLs? If so, your not getting DNS information. You may need to call your ISP to get the addresses of their name servers and input them manually. 
David Curtis <dcurtis at>

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