File transfer between ubuntu and windowsXP (and VV) using internet modum

Charlie Gray cgray at
Wed May 6 14:23:27 UTC 2009

Mark Nichols wrote:
> On 04/29/2009 11:17 AM, dfp10 at wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I have the following connected by ethernet to a Verizon-FIOS/Actiontec
>> M1424-WR modem: a PC with WindowsXP Pro, a PC
>> with Ubuntu Linux, and a C510 Lexmark printer.All work well singly on
>> the modem.
>> However in this configuration I do not have a route to transfer
>> files, by any exchange method, from Windows to Ubuntu and vice versa.
>> What is the simplest solution?
> Perhaps a USB Thumb drive?
> Mark

Hmm... Does the modem act like a router?

Because surely, you will be able to activate windows folder sharing, and
then using Samba on linux to access it? and just transfer the files like

It seems to work fine from my Linux box to my craptop.

Charlie Gray - <cgray at>
PGP Key ID - 0xC28B6177
¡Ya basta!

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