JEOS LAMP Server - 8.04LTS or 9.10?

Charlie Kravetz cjk at
Wed May 6 03:21:43 UTC 2009

On Tue, 5 May 2009 16:33:49 -0500
Preston Kutzner <shizzlecash at> wrote:

> On May 5, 2009, at 12:31 PM, Karl Larsen wrote:
> >    I would like to suggest what I use. I have 3 versions of Ubuntu
> > on this laptop but they all share the same /home/karl/ directory.
> > In this way I have all my "things" going with me on every version.
> > Very nice!
> Karl,
> The OP was asking which version the list recommends for his
> particular application, not for yours.  He doesn't want to run 3
> versions of Ubuntu and share the home partition between them.  I know
> you're only trying to be helpful by posting this, but it would be
> more helpful if you would answer the question that was asked, rather
> than just posting a reply that doesn't really relate to what the OP
> asked.
> To the OP,
> I concur that you'd be best off using the LTS versions for server  
> applications, unless you need the most recent versions of certain  
> apps.  The LTS versions are supported for 5 years (for the server  
> version).  Security patches do get back-ported to the TLS versions
> of packages if necessary, so you don't have to worry about having
> the latest release to get a security fix.  And, generally, the LTS  
> versions are more stable.  Also, LTS versions can be upgraded
> straight to the new LTS version when it is made available.  For
> example, 6.06 (Dapper) -> 8.04 (Hardy) is a supported upgrade path
> for an LTS version, but not for a non-LTS version.  If you decide to
> go with a non-LTS release, you must upgrade every 6 months to the
> next official release.  You cannot skip releases when upgrading
> non-LTS versions. Hope that wasn't too confusing.

Actually, non-LTS versions are supported for 18 months, not 6. Just as
you can use the LTS server version for 5 years, during which time, 2
more will be produced, you can use the non-LTS versions for the 18
month lifespan with out upgrading.

Charlie Kravetz 
Linux Registered User Number 425914          []
Never let anyone steal your DREAM.           []

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