Sending a odt file format to windows user

NoOp glgxg at
Tue May 5 01:38:46 UTC 2009

On 05/04/2009 06:31 AM, Allen Meyers wrote:
> On Mon, May 4, 2009 at 7:23 AM, Graham Todd <grahamtodd2 at snip> wrote:

>> The Open Document Format (which is .odt) is not supported by
>> Microsoft....yet.  They made a big song and dance about accepting more
>> open standards, but since then they have come up with formats that are
>> neither open or standards.  The Open Office Standard is (AFAIK) the
>> only format accepted by both the ISO and the EEC, so tell you friend
>> there will be a need for him/her to send documents in that format
>> soon, especially if he/she lives in Europe.  Applications that are
>> available for Linux and Windows are Abiword and OpenOffice, so he/she
>> could get one of these. In the meantime, using either of these
>> applications, convert your file by saving it in the .doc version for
>> XP.  As an alternative, save it in Rich Text Format (.rtf) which Word
>> can use.

I'd recommend against that; OOo has a terrible time with RTF (both ways).

>> This is a perfect opportunity to extoll the virtues of free (as in
>> unfettered) software, and how explain that Microsoft want Windows users
>> to pay out ever more money when compatibility with accepted standards
>> can be effected by the use of free software that is also available for
>> Windows.

> Graham:
> I appreciated that so much I forwarded it to this individual. It said
> it all from both perspectives

For Allen: This is a perfectly good opportunity to read through the OOo
documentation and tutorials available. I recommend spending some time
with the OOo support and documentation:

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