OT: Not racest

Mark Kirkwood markir at paradise.net.nz
Mon May 4 01:51:05 UTC 2009

Karl F. Larsen wrote:
>     I have not liked the French country for a long time. They did not 
> fight well and waited for another country to save them. I do have 
> French-American friends who also dislike France as a country. It is that 
> way.
> I do not hate any race. I dislike some people who are so ignorant that 
> they can't tell the differance between a person and a country.

Note that the French helped you become American,  as opposed to a 
British subject... so they are not all bad at war or politics. I suggest 
you visit France someday, it may change you attitude.

BTW, I used to have a poor attitude towards 'em because of nuclear 
testing that was carried out quite close to New Zealand (where I'm 
from). However, after visiting France (many years later) I discovered 
much to like about the country and the people.



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