[OT] was Ubuntu has gone!

Res res at ausics.net
Sat May 2 23:07:16 UTC 2009

On Fri, 24 Apr 2009, Thorny wrote:
>> Not at all true, reputable lists have been moderated by REAL moderators
>> since day dot, even back in the old fido days, but I suspect those who
>> think they can tell others how to do things "their way" wail always
>> disagree, its like spammers, they never see what they are doing as
>> spamming. The self appointed wannabes also only selectively try police
>> some of the CoC rules here, and then only  against some people.
> Well Res, I think you and I already determined from a previous discussion
> that I've been around longer than you. Of course, you may be selective by
> saying anything I'm talking about isn't a "reputable" list.

around longer as in life, yes, around as in net, well we have determined that

> I think most of the people who desire some organization here specifically
> don't want to act as "net cops", thus they suggest and selectively suggest
> a guideline or two at a time to a poster or two. You've got the perfect

very selectively, how you would guys/gurls like it if i generated 500% 
noise on this list by commenting on every person who fails to comply in 
full with hte CoC? you either comply entirel;y or STFU and try force your 
thoughts dopwn others throats, and I could easily generate 499% more noise 
by playing net-cop on all those, including many in this and past threads, 
who dont like top posters but failt to trim their replies to relevant 
segments, I'm sure I'd be attacked and told to go F myself, as usual.
you people only want SELECTIVE enforcement.

> Since you like law enforcement analogies, consider the woman being beaten
> by her man friend in public, should the bystanders wait for a moderator to
> notice and stop the beating or should the community try and do something
> about it? The actual answer here is call the cops and let them deal
> with it. (IANAL) How would you feel about it if it was your daughter?

big difference, assualt is a criminal offence punishable by inprisonment 
in most democratic countries, top posting is not :)


-Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers

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