Stupid French troublemaker

Ralph Seichter ubuntu-ml at
Sat May 2 16:27:57 UTC 2009

Karl F. Larsen wrote:

> There is a child that lives in France that is capable of
> doing things that irritate people. The guys email address
> is REMOVED at [...]

I wonder, is it St. Trolls Day again?

The TLD ".be" means Belgium, where one of the official languages happens
to be French. Besides, technical skills concerning out-of-office agents
are independent from the user's nationality, as are intelligence and the
capacity for tolerance (your email happens to prove my point).

> I often wonder what rock these kind of people were born under. I
> recall that last Century the USA with British support saved France
> from becoming a German state twice.

As you were not personally involved in these noble efforts, I'd rather
you kept your "opinions" to yourself, there's a good boy. :-)


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