icons in upper panel all switched around...

PleegWat pleegwat at telfort.nl
Fri May 1 20:59:20 UTC 2009

Mark Nichols wrote:
> On 05/01/2009 03:30 PM, Denis Haskin wrote:
>> So the obvious question then is... how did they move around in the first
>> place if they were all locked (and they were)?
> Running Ubuntu inside of VirtualBox on a MacBook Pro results in some 
> strange artifacts when changing screen resolutions. Going from a larger 
> (1600x1050) to a smaller (1400x900) resolution left the right-side icons 
> in the middle of both the top and bottom panels.
> Granted running inside VB on Mac OS X is not a typical environment, so I 
> can't explain how the icons would get shifted outside of a virtual machine.
> Mark

I've also seen issues with panel icons when switching resolutions, 
specifically when switching to a lower resolution where the icons and 
applets on the left and right side started overlapping. However, I 
haven't seen it recently, and I have only seen icons starting to stick 
to the wrong side, not switching places with each other.

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