icons in upper panel all switched around...

Roy Smith rasmith1959 at gmail.com
Fri May 1 13:52:31 UTC 2009

Denis Haskin wrote:
> I used an external monitor w/ my Intrepid laptop for the first time
> today, and it resulted in the icons & other controls on my top panel
> getting all moved around... from right to left it's now: running app
> icons (e.g. networking, battery), shortcuts, then switch users, then
> date+time, then sound control...
> How can I get those back to the way they were?  Yarg...

Just put your mouse pointer on each one of the icons and click the right
mouse button, then choose unlock.  No point at an icon and right click,
then choose move and then move it where you want it.  Don't forget to
right click and lock the icons to keep them from moving around...


Roy Smith
Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope
Registered Linux User #488144
Registered Ubuntu User #26841

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