[OT] What does 'sage' stand for in sagemeth?

Matthew Flaschen matthew.flaschen at gatech.edu
Tue Mar 31 19:36:45 UTC 2009

Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
>> http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/sagemath: "Packet: sagemath
>> (3.0.5dfsg-3) [universe]: Mathematics software written in Python: 
>> Sage is a mathematical software package with support for a wide range of
>> mathematics, including algebra, calculus, elementary to very advanced
>> number theory, cryptography, numerical computation, commutative algebra,
>> group theory, combinatorics, graph theory, and exact linear algebra."
>> What does 'sage' stand for in sagemath?
> Probably refers to the French word which means "wise man", which is
> sometimes used when talking of antic era versatile geniuses, who
> pionnered mathematics as well as philosophy, astronomy, anatomy,
> engineering... 

That is not (only) a French word!  It entered English in the 13th century...

Matt Flaschen

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