Ubuntu 8.10 applets not saving properties - sounds + NetManager

Thorny thorntreehome at gmail.com
Mon Mar 30 12:14:42 UTC 2009

> Sorry for the info part...being used to the info I had..I didn't
> consider the fact that you are new to it..
What we have done here is illustrate to people who are reading this thread
that a more detailed question can be given a better answer. That is a good
example for us to set and helps the list to be more productive.

I'm glad you found the answers you need. 

Note: NetworkManager can do exactly what you want on an install of the
Debian stable release, Lenny, but I haven't looked into whether or not
Debian maintainers changed anything. It is after all, something Debian
adopted from downstream Ubuntu. It will be a while before I can see if I
can make it work on my laptop with Ubuntu, but I will get around to
trying it eventually, although I think Ubuntu may use WICD in future
releases, I think I saw that written somewhere.

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