How to uninstall all asian fonts ???

deepblue iamybj at
Mon Mar 30 00:28:00 UTC 2009

I installed ubuntu 8.04.2 LTS. but I am a Chinese user, and my system's 
language is English. I do not like the Asian fonts default installed in 
ubuntu, and I copied my  Chinese windows xp's fonts to 
But I found the system did not work as my opinion.  Chinese fonts appear 
ugly, and render diffrent fonts enven in one sentence!!! Ubuntu which 
defualt  install some asian fonts even if you selecet English language 
does not like other linux edition which  do not hava any asian fonts  if 
you select English language!
The reason I select English language is not to use the default open 
asian fonts, but I cannot get that result in ubuntu. Why ? I think then 
ubuntu team has already do what out of their fault!
I have already remove all asian fonts using synapitic package manager , 
but it sitll can render ugly Chinese fonts !
so , please tell me how to remove all asian fonts default installed it ?

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