Shut down times

Jonathan Hudson jh+ubuntu at
Sun Mar 29 09:49:23 UTC 2009

On Sat, 28 Mar 2009 19:19:57 -0500, Bill Taylor wrote:

>Being a disabled War Veteran I cannot work and instead give free phone
>and on site Tech Assistance.  The number one complaint from the youth
>and the elderly is the requirement to either clicking Shut Down in two
>places or wait for sixty seconds for the machine to begin the shut-down
>process.  I have already edited grub.lst to a three second interval for
>most of these folks and I promised to research the possibility of a
>simular wait for shut-down bur a google search did not help me.

If you are referring to the (optional) dialogue after clicking
logout or shutdown that asks you to wait 60s or confirm the action, then
you can remove that:

In Intrepid (8.10), use the configuration editor (gconf-editor) and
navigate to the key /apps/gnome-session/options/logout_prompt and clear
the check box. If you're using the fast-user-switch-applet (f-u-s-a), it
either does not prompt, or respects this key (can't remember which).

In Jaunty (9.04), f-u-s-a forces this stupid confirmation prompt on
you, much to many users distaste, unless, at the moment, you install a
different version from a ppa. See for the gory details.


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