thread marked Dave Null

Amedee Van Gasse (Ubuntu) amedee-ubuntu at
Sat Mar 28 13:59:47 UTC 2009

Chan Chung Hang Christopher schreef:

> I think you need to change to subject if you really want Amedee to get 
> your reply.

You are absolutely right. I didn't get his reply. It didn't even enter
my mailserver. Yeah I'm a real BOFH ;-)

My only question is, how will the mailing list software react if it
occasionally gets rejects on the mail it sends to me? If my solution has
a negative side effect, then I will accept the emails and then silently
discard them with procmail.

Is there a mailing list expert who can answer this?
To resume: I am telling my Postfix to reject certain mails from this
mailing list, based on the subject.

Kind regards,

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