Trying to DUMP Windows.... But

Chris Jones jonesc at
Fri Mar 27 15:40:25 UTC 2009


> It only does OpenGL not DirectX aiui, so no good for Windows.
> Still, even OpenGL under a Linux guest didn't appear to work for me.
> In a terminal if I query "glxinfo |grep rendering", it does say
> "Yes"... however when I tried to run desktop effects or Googleearth,
> both failed...

When they say they support 3D acceleration, what they really mean is 3D 
in windows... In order to get decent 3D support in linux, you would need 
them to provide a linux video driver, for whatever hardware their VM 
presents the video system as, that supports 3D as well as the intel, AMD 
and NVIDIA drivers do. I might be out of date here, but as far as I am 
aware none of them come close to this yet...

cheers Chris

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