Strange mouse behaviour

Jason Crain jason at
Fri Mar 27 02:57:26 UTC 2009

Keith Clark wrote:
> My son must have set something incorrectly but for the life of me I don't
> know what or even how to describe what is happening clearly.
> Within a window, say Firefox, if the left mouse button is depressed, the
> cursor turns into the four arrow keys and the movement of the mouse just
> moves the window.  Just like it would do it the title bar were selected and
> dragged around.  It happens no matter where the cursor is within the
> window.
> Clicking the left mouse button on a menu, like System drop down menu still
> works as normal.
> I hope I've described the problem clearly enough for someone to offer a
> fix.

Is your alt key stuck down?  Try with a different keyboard if you can.

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