Trying to DUMP Windows.... But

NoOp glgxg at
Thu Mar 26 18:46:35 UTC 2009

On 03/26/2009 11:16 AM, Mark Haney wrote:
> What I really gather from your email is that you want to install linux
> and waltz into these apps and use them just like you do with your
> Windows versions.  That attitude is likely to cause you problems simply
> because linux is NOT Windows.  It has it's own way of doing things that
> you may or may not like at first.  But going in with the mindset that it
> will work just like Windows will cause you to give up quickly and hate
> linux for being 'crappy' or 'not windows'.
> I suggest you play with a virtual machine install of linux (any distro)
> or try as LIveCD or LIveDVD version of a distro before going much
> farther.  There is a learning curve here and it's best if you go in
> knowing that and being patient.

Or, install as a Windows program using Wubi:

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