Trying to DUMP Windows.... But

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at
Thu Mar 26 18:21:05 UTC 2009

> Richard wrote:
> > Been watching Linux for the past few years, and have wonder "if" its 
> > ready to replace my Vista Desktop.

Hmmm... in your case, I would install Linux, then create a Window
Virtual machine. This way you get all the technical benefits of a Linux
host system, while still using your existing Windows programs.
Then you can investige Linux programs, evaluate if they meet your
requirements, and progressively move your work from your Windows VM to
the Linux host.
Or if you could take a "safer" (from your perspective), but degraded
version of this scheme: run a Linux virtual machine inside your
existing Windows environement, and evaluate Linux and its apps from
there. This way you only switch to Linux if and when you are
100% sure that Linux can do what you want.

To use virtual machines, there is mainly "VirtualBox" (free software),
and "VMware" (which is proprietary).


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