OT: Thunderbird email removal

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 14:21:05 UTC 2009

    I have been using Thunderbird email client for a long time. But this 
morning I learned out how to delete old email in large chunks. I have 
wanted to do it for some time but it didn't seem to work. Here is what 

    First select the mail you want to delete. You do this by selecting 
the oldest email, and then go to the newest you want to delete and first 
hold the Shift key which darkens all the email you want to delete. Now 
just click on Delete and watch. It takes a little time but in the lower 
left corner it tells you it is sending email to the trash directory. You 
can look at the Trash and it will show the files you sent there.


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