Common folder between two users (same machine)

Mihamina Rakotomandimby (R12y) mihamina at
Tue Mar 24 08:27:27 UTC 2009

Alan E. Davis wrote:
>    - set up a user "common" where a partition is mounted to 
> /home/common/photos, or some such.
>    - set up symlinks in each user's directory to folders that other 
> users may be allowed to access

- Creating a /public directory and then chmoding it to 777
- Using filesystem ACLs:

PS: I dont understand _why_ Ubuntu documentation is behind an HTTPS link... 
It forbids my squid to cache it...

                              Chef de projet chez Vectoris
                                  Phone: +261 33 11 207 36
System: xUbuntu 8.10 with almost all from package install

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