Enough already

Karl F. Larsen klarsen1 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 11:33:38 UTC 2009

James Takac wrote:
> Hi Guys
> On Monday 23 March 2009 16:35:38 dwain wrote:
>> 2009/3/22 Karl Larsen <klarsen1 at gmail.com>
>>> But I am going nuts now because the darn pop3 system seems to have a
>>> password I don't know!!!  I may have to start out new, but not sure how
>>> to do that.
>>> Karl
>> have you tried resetting the password?
>> cheers,
>> dwain
> I've had to do that before myself. Many don't know what needs to be done to 
> reset a password. And of course that depends on who the account is with. If 
> it's with the isp then ring them and have your account details and such ready 
> and explain the situation to them. If something like yahoo or google then 
> look up what needs to be done if you've lost/forgotten your password. There's 
> oft a link for that very purpose.. But always a good idea to check the help 
> or faq links re the site in Q
> James
> 	Well I know there is just one place on Gmail to put a password and it is the main password for your gmail. I did change it to a simpler password and that works now and I am getting the POP3 mail like I should.


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