Ubunto 8.10 and AVG 7.5.51

Bart Silverstrim bsilver at chrononomicon.com
Fri Mar 20 16:09:05 UTC 2009

Dotan Cohen wrote:
>> I've never heard of someone, a home linux user, accidentally sending
>> Windows viruses to Windows users. Is it possible? Sure...if you're doing
>> file sharing and/or forwarding executables to people. But I've not seen
>> it happen personally. Or if you're playing with WINE and run a Windows
>> malware executable I suppose it's also possible.
> I know of this happening, from people sharing files.

The scenario, to be clear, that I had in mind was with people setting up 
a Samba file server, not necessarily getting warez torrents or similar 

But I agree with your assessment regarding it being the end user's 
responsibility to screen problems, not necessarily the provider in most 
non-professional cases.

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