Restarting Xserver from cli

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Wed Mar 18 18:57:02 UTC 2009

On Wed, 2009-03-18 at 08:09 -0500, Cybe R. Wizard wrote:
> So if one anonymous idiot tells another of the same ilk to try
> <Alt+SysRQ+l>
> will Ubuntu then remove the magic SysRQ keys' functions, too?
> I guess there's still <Alt+SysRQ+e>.

Compare the ease of hitting the two combos accidentally. And actually
I'd be in favor of disabling that, too. Anyone who cares can enable it.

> I just had a hard lock of X yesterday when compiz-fusion took it down.
> Hmm, hot reboot or kill X?
> I preserved the uptime.  Where's the damage?

Did you have unsaved work? That's where the damage would have been.

> I fully agree with Bart Silverstrim that anyone doing critical work
> shouldn't be trying out 'arcane' commands without saving and backing up
> anyway.

Windows handles Ctrl+Alt+Del correctly and gracefully. The Backspace key
is right next to Del and is large. Easy to slip.

Killing user session from software without a question is horrible.
Usability engineering 101: "Treat user data as sacred"

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