Thunderbird message filters

NoOp glgxg at
Wed Mar 18 02:33:05 UTC 2009

On 03/17/2009 02:47 PM, Wade Smart wrote:
> 20090317 1644 GMT-6
> I have just been informed that I have to keep a copy of all messages 
> sent and received while working on this one project so I was going set a 
> filter and copy any message sent with a particular subject line but, it 
> also works in reverse - any message coming in as well. That isnt what I 
> wanted. And looking at the message source there is nothing that 
> indicates that the message is a outgoing or sent message.
> Using the to wont work as it could be any number of 70 people on the 
> project.
> Any ideas?
> Wade

Yes, try the proper support group/forum.
to automatically set up the nntp account, or:
Edit|Account Settings|Add Account|Newgroup account|etc.

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