killing a process (again), ports

Derek Broughton derek at
Mon Mar 16 23:40:52 UTC 2009

Thufir wrote:

> I think that this process is causing problems:
> thufir at arrakis:~$
> thufir at arrakis:~$
> thufir at arrakis:~$ sudo ps -ae | grep 5088
>  5088 ?        00:02:14 java
> thufir at arrakis:~$
> thufir at arrakis:~$ sudo netstat -tanp | grep 80
> tcp6       0      0          :::*
> LISTEN      5088/java
> tcp6       0      0 :::8009                 :::*
> LISTEN      5088/java
> tcp6       0      0 :::8080                 :::*
> LISTEN      5088/java

> So, how do I free up that port?  Yes, I can change the port which tomcat
> runs on, but I'd rather just free up the port.  It gets "stuck" and the
> only way I can unfreeze this is to reboot.

8009 is tomcat's load balancer, so it would seem to be tomcat...  "ps -ae"
isn't telling you enough - I don't use the GNU opts there, but I'd use "ps
aux" which would have given the actual command line.

As Nils points out (and as we discussed a week or two ago) the -9 option,
unlike with standard GNU getopts, has to be before the process ID in kill.

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