Python error interpretation

Hal Burgiss hal at
Sun Mar 15 18:32:13 UTC 2009

On Sun, Mar 15, 2009 at 01:04:58PM -0500, Chris Mohler wrote:
> I suspect something from the migration from 6.06 -> 8.04 is causing
> you grief.  If this were my server, I'd try to persuade someone at the
> data center to do a clean install for me - that may be easier in the
> long run, as opposed to dealing with weirdness here and there.
> Apt is pretty robust, but I've used it to hose my system too - also
> with yum and plain old rpm too ;)  I'm not sure how far back the apt
> logs go by default, but it might be worth poking around in there to
> look for python-related problems in the past.  I'm rapidly running out
> of useful advice though...

Well, thanks. I am trying to avoid a clean re-install since its just
starting to be used now, and all the custom stuff (firewall, backups,
Apache, etc) we need to do has already been done. Ironically, that
prompted me to want to automate that customization process and why I
was playing with bzr to start with.

Overall, I love apt, but occasionally its really oddly difficult to
start with a clean slate.

I may do an apt purge, and then physical hunt and destroy for python

Thanks again.


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