Sharing an internet connection virtually (VMWARE)

Norberto Bensa nbensa at
Mon Mar 9 13:08:53 UTC 2009

On Mon, Mar 9, 2009 at 2:25 AM, Christopher Lemire <
christopher.lemire at> wrote:

> I have no internet in Linux due to my only way to get internet is
> through my blackberry curve phone sharing ( I think some call this
> tethering) internet to the pc. It works fine in winblows of course
> with the provided winblows software, so I booted over to Linux, fired
> up VMware workstation 6.5, set up the internet in it, and I have
> internet in my guest os in vmware which is 32 bit xp media center. I
> right clicked the connection from "network connections" and went to
> share this connection. Now I'd like to share it to my host os, 64-bit
> Ubuntu 8.10 in Raid 0. Do I need to be using NAT or Bridged. Please be
> specific and give detailed instructions. Thank you. I've set up
> internet sharing before but not virtually.
Wow. I have never tried that but you could configure vmware to use bridge.
then use the windows ip as the gateway:

sudo route add default gw {windows-ip}

You'll need to configure the dns server (your windows xp AFAIK)

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