Dual boot with CentOS

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Sun Mar 8 17:51:12 UTC 2009

Nolan Cooper wrote:

>   Nolan flopped in chair, hunched shoulders, and pecked out:

> Hi Robert-
> I have been told not to post more than once, but "What The Hey"

There's nothing inherently wrong with posting more than once - though it's
odd in this case that you appear to be replying to yourself, not robert -
but you should have something to add when you post again.  What drives
people nuts is when you see 3 or 4 identical posts because the poster
seemed to be upset that he didn't get a perfect answer in five minutes.

> I might be wrong, I believe the title line for CentOS needs a kernel
> specified.

No, it's a "title".  It has nothing to do with the actual booting.

In Robert's case, it has to do with the image on /dev/sdb1, but since it
isn't an Ubuntu image I can't say off-hand what's wrong with his boot
options, if anything.

If you can get into the CentOS system, and run grub-install onto the
superblock of /dev/sdb1, _then_ you can use "chainloader" to boot.  If I'm
running multiple Linuxes, I find this the best method.

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