Mailing List FAQ - RFC

Brian McKee brian.mckee at
Fri Mar 6 02:32:11 UTC 2009

Hi All

I've been thinking lately that what this list needs is a good wiki :-)

There are a number of questions that come up over and over again, and
I think it would be helpful if we had our own 'list approved' set of
answers easily on hand.

If we built up a good enough set of FAQs, we could get the URL for the
FAQ inserted into the mailing list info so everybody would get it

I'm not trying to duplicate the entire Ubuntu support wiki and forums
here.  I'm thinking just the cream of the crop questions, and the
answers would mainly be one liner or so answers with links to the
appropriate spot in the list archives or the various spots on the net
for more info.

I've put together a 'mock up' at

Don't run right over there and start putting info in just yet.  First
off, please answer in this thread the following questions.

1 - am I nuts?

2 - regardless of 1, is this a sensible idea?

3 - If so, where should it be hosted?  It could stay where it is for
now I suppose, but I'd rather find a good home up front if possible.

4 - Is there something more appropriate than PMWiki?  I'm thinking
simple and easy here, I don't want to create a full time job for
somebody maintaining this thing.

If you're really enthusiastic you could put stuff in the wiki that's
there now, but I'm more worried about the concept then then content at
this point.
What do you think?


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