install driver at startup

Derek Broughton derek at
Fri Mar 6 01:34:40 UTC 2009

Cesar Augusto Suarez wrote:

> Nils.
> Thanks for your offer.
> the driver is located in .deb file,

That makes no sense.  It may have been delivered in a .deb, but that's not
how you install drivers.

> theproblemis thaty the system  will 
> ask for the su password each time the script is invoked (every startup,
> everyday), 

Not if, as Nils suggested, you put the "modprobe" statement in /etc/rc.local

> as this pc is the secretary pc, i would like to install that 
> driver silently, i dont wanna edit the sudoers file, because i dont wanna 
> thispc will be rooted everyday, just at themoment to install the modem
> driver.

Do you actually know what the sudoers file does?  That's _precisely_ why you
would put a command in /etc/sudoers - but for system startup commands,
rc.local would be better.

An even better alternative would be a udev rule, but rc.local would be

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