NoOp glgxg at
Thu Mar 5 19:06:08 UTC 2009

On 03/05/2009 04:45 AM, Mark Haney wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> Before I try the above two, does anyone here have experience with either?
>> Or, anyone know how I can just extract the chart in
>> for printing?
> Both of those work pretty well, I think. I work for a non-profit ISP
> that provides the NWS weather data to NOAA, so I know a bit about these
> things.  Most of the guys here in Asheville (home of the largest weather
> data archive on the planet) use them both to varying degrees based on
> talks with them.  I've never used them myself, but I've had to help
> compile them on odd procs before.  Itanium2 especially.

Thanks! I'll give them a try this weekend & post back on how it goes.

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