Naming mp3 files in Rhythmbox...

Dave Woyciesjes woyciesjes at
Thu Mar 5 16:37:44 UTC 2009

David Woyciesjes wrote:
> NoOp wrote:
>> On 03/04/2009 08:26 AM, Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
>>> Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
>>>> .... Rhytmbox 
>>>> give me only a few options as to filename, none of which I really like.
>>>> 	So I went into gconf editor, browsed down to apps\rhythmbox. There I 
>>>> changed library_layout_filename to %tt--%ta. But when I re-open 
>>>> Rhythmbox and go into the prefs, the filename area is blank. Looking 
>>>> back in gconf, that key is changed on me... Grrr!!!
>>>> 	Now, IIRC Rhythmbox is based on gstreamer, so I've been looking around 
>>>> in gconf for something under gstreamer. So far no luck. I'm guessing 
>>>> that the file name options listed in Rhythmbox (and Sound Juicer) are 
>>>> stored in a config file somewhere? Can someone point me in the right 
>>>> direction?
>>> 	Apparently Mathieu Leplatre opened a bug about this:
>>> 	But there's diddly for details, and it seems no one has looked at it yet...
>> Maybe?
>> <>
>> <>
> Thanks. A cursory scan doesn't pull up anything, but I'll look more in 
> depth later.
>> and
>> might help.
>>  easytag mentioned in the faq:
>> Note: I've not done any of this... just trying to point you in the right
>> direction :-)
> 	No prob. Any info is helpful. But judging by the soundjuicer bug report 
> I pointed out earlier, I don't have too high hopes in my quest...

	Well, I'm still not finding anything. Of course, I'm also running out 
of ideas on what exactly to search for...
	My next thought is to search inside the files on this machine for 
"Artist - Title" which is one of the available filename formats. I'm 
thinking that file would be the one I need to edit to create the 
filename pattern I want.
	IIRC, grep is the command I'm looking for. I wonder if there is a gui 
frontend for it? Time to crack open Synaptic again... :)

--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- AIM - woyciesjes
--- CompTIA A+ Certified IT Tech -
--- HDI Certified Support Center Analyst -

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