What's wrong with cron? [SOLVED]

Derek Broughton derek at pointerstop.ca
Thu Mar 5 14:17:24 UTC 2009

Lorenzo Luengo wrote:

> Lorenzo Luengo escribió:
>> Derek Broughton escribió:
>>> It would probably have helped if you'd pasted at least that line from
>>> the
>>> crontab.  (I trust you do mean /etc/crontab, not _root's_ crontab -
>>> which wouldn't have a username field).
>> You're right... but let me ask a question...
>> Is there a difference between system crontab and root user crontab?? How
>> can you make a difference between both?? (I mean how do you edit them)
>> I'm doing "crontab -e" under a "sudo -i" shell.
> Hmmm I just realized. root crontab is no /etc/crontab, and in my system,


> root's crontab was a copy-paste of system crontab, and that was
> generating the problems.

Indeed.  I'm not actually sure what the correct way to edit /etc/crontab
is - I always just edited it :-)  These days I usually use kcron, which
differentiates between the "system" cron and "root".

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