Naming mp3 files in Rhythmbox...

NoOp glgxg at
Wed Mar 4 21:59:17 UTC 2009

On 03/04/2009 08:26 AM, Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
> Dave Woyciesjes wrote:
>> 	Back to this again. A few months ago I posted a Q to this list about 
>> how to get CDs I rip named the way I want (TrackTitle--TrackArtist.mp3). 
>> If you recall, I was able to do it with grip.

No. But perhaps you mean this thread?
[Ripping mp3s....]

>> 	Now, I got a similar issue. I like how Rhythmbox works (so far) with my 
>> iPod, but the problem lies with when I copy music off of it. Rhytmbox 
>> give me only a few options as to filename, none of which I really like.
>> 	So I went into gconf editor, browsed down to apps\rhythmbox. There I 
>> changed library_layout_filename to %tt--%ta. But when I re-open 
>> Rhythmbox and go into the prefs, the filename area is blank. Looking 
>> back in gconf, that key is changed on me... Grrr!!!
>> 	Now, IIRC Rhythmbox is based on gstreamer, so I've been looking around 
>> in gconf for something under gstreamer. So far no luck. I'm guessing 
>> that the file name options listed in Rhythmbox (and Sound Juicer) are 
>> stored in a config file somewhere? Can someone point me in the right 
>> direction?
> 	Apparently Mathieu Leplatre opened a bug about this:
> 	But there's diddly for details, and it seems no one has looked at it yet...



might help.

 easytag mentioned in the faq:

Note: I've not done any of this... just trying to point you in the right
direction :-)

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