New heat grease, no help

Cybe R. Wizard cybe_r_wizard at
Wed Mar 4 14:17:30 UTC 2009

Leonard Chatagnier <lenc5570 at>  said:
> This is totally uncalled for, Dotan and Cybr, and not appropriate for
> list mail. I too read Karl's post and did not take any offense at
> what he said.  If anyone should leave the list I think it should be
> you two. Leonard Chatagnier

By, "Cybr," do you refer to me?  My two posts to this thread have been:
Message-ID: <20090303165733.70f8abe6 at WizardsTower>
Dotan Cohen <dotancohen at>  said:
> You need to put that grease on the outside of the heatsink for it to
> work. Just remove the fan and put the grease where the fan was.  


First, do no harm.
Message-ID: <20090303171650.57e17b11 at WizardsTower>
"Karl F. Larsen" <klarsen1 at>  said:
> Dotan Cohen is a liar and a cheat. If a new user gets help from him, 
> they run back to Windows as fast as possible.
> Karl  

No, he's just tired of you using this mailing list as your personal
computer blog.  ITTBT, so am I.

Where is the inappropriate part?  I think my missives to be
reasonable-ish.  If you will note, the first sort of defended Karl.

Cybe R. Wizard
Nice computers don't go down.
	Larry Niven, Steven Barnes
		"The Barsoom Project"

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