after defining new group, lost administration privileges and /etc/group has been changed

Alan E. Davis lngndvs at
Wed Mar 4 08:31:02 UTC 2009

On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 9:03 AM, Leonard Chatagnier
<lenc5570 at>wrote:

> FWIW, In my intrepid 64 bit installation my
> /etc/group admin entry shows GID of 119 not 111.  Adm has a GID of 4.  I
> wouldn't expect these GIDs to change between versions BIDK.  If the OP is
> interested send me an email off-list and I'll be glad to send you my
> /etc/group and /etc/group~ file so that you may try to correct your problem
> without reinstalling.  My system is also working fine.  HTH.  I also have an
> Hardy installation in case the OP is not using Intrepid.
> Leonard Chatagnier
> lenc5570 at

Thank you kindly.  I have solved the problem by an overnight install on
another partition.  The Phoenix rises from its ashes!  The GID of admin on
my other box is 123.

I learned much by this.


> <lenc5570 at>

Alan Davis

"An inviscid theory of flow renders the screw useless, but the need for one
non-existent."                     ---Lord Raleigh (John William Strutt), or
else his son, who was also a scientist.

It is undesirable to believe a proposition when
there is no ground whatsoever for supposing it is true.
    ---- Bertrand Russell
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