Naming mp3 files in Rhythmbox...

Dave Woyciesjes woyciesjes at
Wed Mar 4 02:02:03 UTC 2009

	Back to this again. A few months ago I posted a Q to this list about 
how to get CDs I rip named the way I want (TrackTitle--TrackArtist.mp3). 
If you recall, I was able to do it with grip.
	Now, I got a similar issue. I like how Rhythmbox works (so far) with my 
iPod, but the problem lies with when I copy music off of it. Rhytmbox 
give me only a few options as to filename, none of which I really like.
	So I went into gconf editor, browsed down to apps\rhythmbox. There I 
changed library_layout_filename to %tt--%ta. But when I re-open 
Rhythmbox and go into the prefs, the filename area is blank. Looking 
back in gconf, that key is changed on me... Grrr!!!

	Now, IIRC Rhythmbox is based on gstreamer, so I've been looking around 
in gconf for something under gstreamer. So far no luck. I'm guessing 
that the file name options listed in Rhythmbox (and Sound Juicer) are 
stored in a config file somewhere? Can someone point me in the right 

--- Dave Woyciesjes
--- ICQ# 905818
--- AIM - woyciesjes
--- CompTIA A+ Certified IT Tech -
--- HDI Certified Support Center Analyst -

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 From here to there,
Funny things
are everywhere."
--- Dr. Seuss

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