Serial Port Terminal Program

Heike C. Zimmerer nospam08q2 at
Tue Mar 3 16:35:57 UTC 2009

Kipton Moravec <kip at> writes:

>> So, let's go back to square one, ignore are subsequent advise/posts, and
>> ask that you provide the basic information above. Then perhaps someone
>> can help you further.
> I am guessing the problem is with handshaking. If there is no HW
> handshaking it loses data or screws up data. (I do not have handshaking,
> so I have not tested it with handshaking.)

You don't lose data, as is shown on your screen prints.  It's just that
characters which have bit 6 set also get bit 7 set.  Seems like a CSIZE
problem to me.  Look yourself: for all lower case characters (bit 6 is
set), you get ones which have bit 7 set -- they aren't missing.

Btw.: you'd better used some webspace and placed your pictures there,
using a link in your mail to refer to them instead of sending them as
attachement.  Some people are on limited bandwith.


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