How can I access an Evolution addressbook from another Ubuntu computer in the same LAN?

Carl Friis-Hansen ubuntuuser at
Tue Mar 3 14:12:42 UTC 2009

Detlef Lechner wrote:
> Hello,
> how can I access an Evolution address book from a remote Ubuntu
> 8.04.2 computer in the same LAN ?
> Evolution provides the plugin CalDAV.
> There is a process evolution-data-server-2.22.
> Regards,
> Detlef Lechner

Just a mad thought. What if you created a shared directory in which you 
made a link to the evolution database. Then on the remote computer, with 
a cron job, updated the evolution database from an external link to the 
source computer.

       | Carl Friis-Hansen               | Fiskeryd Nybygget |
       | | 341 91  Ljungby   |
       | Phone: +46 (0)372 15033         | Sweden            |

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