How to access a SanDisk 2gb usb flash drive...???

Jan LitwiƄski jlitwinski at
Sun Mar 1 18:33:30 UTC 2009

Larry Shields <larryesu at> writes:

> *I have a Sandisk 2gb flash drive, but I can not seem to access it, to 
> use it...
> It show's up when using 'lsusb',  but how can one figure out how to 
> mount this usb flash drive so that I can use it...???

sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt

in this example /dev/sdb1 is your disk partition of your flassh.
First chech it with sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb (change it to the first available
drive in your system)

J at nek
jlitwinski(AT)			"Linux is like a wigwam, no gates,	 no windows, but Apache inside"

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