Being root

Steven Susbauer steven at
Wed Jun 24 12:37:27 UTC 2009

Ray Leventhal wrote:
> Steven Susbauer wrote:
>> No need, use sudo -i
> While there's no difference in the execution of stuff as 'root' between 
> actually being root or using sudo <command>, when one first does su - 
> and becomes root, the root environment (paths, etc) is applied and so, 
> for some things, this is required.
> Like all who have said this before, use with a non-n00b, I 
> use su - when needed, but for most average windows-converts and/or 
> desktop users, its rarely needed in 'buntu land.
> My .02
> -R

As a non-n00b that prefers not to use extra keystrokes, I use sudo -i:

   -i   Simulate initial login, run the shell specified in the passwd(5)
entry of the user that the command is being run as. The command name
argument given to the shell begins with a - to tell the shell to run as
a login shell. sudo attempts to change to that user's home directory
before running the shell. It also initializes the environment, leaving
TERM unchanged, setting HOME , SHELL , USER , LOGNAME , and PATH , and
unsetting all other environment variables.

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