Log-in mail

Brian McKee brian.mckee at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 13:31:31 UTC 2009

On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 5:26 AM, Amedee Van Gasse
(Ubuntu)<amedee-ubuntu at amedee.be> wrote:
> On Mon, June 22, 2009 07:43, Emil Payne wrote:
>> Whenever I log into the main terminal (C-A-F1) as root, it tells me that
>> I have mail.  I know how to read the mail, but it is a pain, especially
>> as I don't log in very often.  Is there away to have it sent as email so I
>> can read it with all my other emails?
> Edit the file /etc/aliases and add your own username as an alias for root.
> Then you run the command newaliases.
> From now on, every mail for root will be sent to you.

And, if you wish, you could install an MTA like postfix
  sudo aptitude install postfix
  answer the set up questions - easiest to tell it to relay everything
to your ISP's smtp server
and then use a 'real' email address in the /etc/aliases file


All you need to know about Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty -> gconftool -s --type
bool /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch false

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