OT - LineBreaks Re: ubunyu 9.0 updates

Ray Leventhal ubuntu at swhi.net
Mon Jun 22 13:16:35 UTC 2009

David Curtis wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Jun 2009 16:39:12 -0400
> "H.S." <hs.samix at gmail.com> wrote:
<big snip>

>> BTW, is something the matter with line breaks in the application you are
>> using to post here? Each of your paras is one long line in my reader :(
>> Regards.
> You got me there. I'm using plain old sylpheed (2.6.0). In using sylpheed, I treat it like a word processor, don't hit enter until I end a paragraph. Just googled 'sylpheed line breaks' and does seem to be some missives on line breaks and auto-wrap, bugs and so forth, I will investigate. If anyone else sees this, I can change over to claws (or something else) fairly easily.
> Doing a bit more research into Unattended-upgrades, I must admit I just can't find documentation for apt besides the basic Ubuntu and Debian howtos. If anyone can point me to good apt docs in regards to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d and it's requisite files, I'm all ears.

FWIW, Thunderbird (M$ and Ubuntu) both show your paras wrapping 
properly, this profile is set to text only and I've no problem reading 
your posts.


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