to raise a exception isn't a bug

Derek Broughton derek at
Sat Jun 20 01:55:06 UTC 2009

Markus Schönhaber wrote:

> Dotan Cohen:
> I'm not sure what you're hinting at. Raising an exception really isn't a
> bug but a way to cope with an error condition that can't be handled
> otherwise.

"Raising" an exception isn't a bug, but failing to _handle_ said exception 
has to be.  No user application should be exiting with exceptions.

> The above bug report affects two packages - python-apt and
> install-package. Somewhere in python-apt the exception may be raised.
> But that's not the problem but rather that install-package wasn't able
> to handle this exception gracefully. And for the latter a fix is released.
> To me, everything seems to be well and sensible. Or do I miss something?
Everything seems well if a fix has been released.

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